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Apache-PHP-MySQL on Mandriva for local use

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:19 am    Post subject: Apache-PHP-MySQL on Mandriva for local use Reply with quote

On my Windows XP PC I have EasyPHP installed which provides me Apache-PHP-MySQL for the ability to test PHP scripts locally.

What is a good way to do this on my Mandriva PC?

I don't want to actually have a server on a network or the internet, just want to install these apps for local use.

Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I discovered XAMPP. Installed easily and appears to be what I was looking for.
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about just:
'urpmi apache-mod_php php-mysql MySQL'
(or the GUI equivalent which may be easier but will take twice as long).

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about it? : )

I'm a newbie to Linux, but it appears to me you are saying the Apache and MySQL apps are already available in the Mandriva installation and just need to be run. Is that so?
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rik Rasmussen wrote:
How about it? : )

I'm a newbie to Linux, but it appears to me you are saying the Apache and MySQL apps are already available in the Mandriva installation and just need to be run.

All these packages, and many more, are packaged, and available in the distribution, but they may not be installed yet. Installing them is however quite easy. Using the software manager (Start->System->Configuration->Packaging->Install software) will allow you to see the software that is available, and allow you to install it. You can use the command-line tool urpmi to install software (and urpmq etc to search for software) instead of the GUI tools, as I showed above. This will require access to your installation media (eg the CDs if you installed by CD, or internet access if you have network media configured).

Note also that not all the software that is available for Mandriva is configured in the software manager by default. Visit to add more. Most of "main" is included in the download CDs (but not all), and usually no packages from contrib are included.

Note that many of the Windows tools (such as EasyPHP etc) are really there to make this easier under Windows, because it's even easier under most Linux distributions ...

Also note that many documents which tell you to recompile something for some reason are not necessarily the best advice, in many cases the additional features are compiled as separate packages. You should not need to compile any software to have a working php development box.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The trick is to install the Wizards package, then simply run the Apache configuration wizard.

Run the super wizard MCC, go to the software install section and search for 'wizard'. Install that, then quit and run MCC again. You will now have many more server wizards to play with, including one that can install Apache in a few seconds.



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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am more impressed with this distribution every day!

Thanks folks,
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have installed Apache, mySQL, apache-mod_php4-4.4.4, apache-mod_php-5.1.6, phpMyAdmin.

If I go to http://localhost

I get the it works! page. I think this indicates Apache is running.

I can also view other html pages in the various directories under www.

However, I can not get any php scripts to work. I can not get phpMyAdmin to run.

This seems to me to indicate that php is not working correctly.

How do I go about troubleshooting this?
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apparently the problem was having both PHP 4 and PHP 5 installed. I uninstalled PHP 4 and now phpMyAdmin works.
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would prefer to do a php 4 and mysql 4 install to better match the hosting service I use.

However it seems very difficult to get that combination using the MCC to install. Everything seems to force me toward version 5.
Rik Rasmussen

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

how do I turn on php, resp. where is the setting that php documents are getting parsed either they are located in /home/usr/pub_html or in the /var/www/html directory.
In the standard installation, the html part of the doc gets displayed but not the php section.
the apache-php module is installed.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thomas_Spuhler_758 wrote:
how do I turn on php, resp. where is the setting that php documents are getting parsed either they are located in /home/usr/pub_html or in the /var/www/html directory.
In the standard installation, the html part of the doc gets displayed but not the php section.
the apache-php module is installed.

I have this same problem. The standard rpm install of php does not work out of the box. I would appreciate it if someone could point me to a good php tutorial, google doesn't want to cooperate with my searches.
cliff Jones

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PHP works fine for me, can you give a little more detail about what problem you're having, with what module? Thanks.
Adam Williamson | Editor, Mandriva Community Newsletter | Mandriva Club Monkey | PR Monkey | Mandriva Bugmaster | Packager | General dogsbody | awilliamson A T mandriva D 0 T com
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

awilliamson wrote:
PHP works fine for me, can you give a little more detail about what problem you're having, with what module? Thanks.

OK, here's the deal.

I loaded 2007.1 One, then grabbed draxwizard. I set up apache... "It works!"

I add PHP, I've done this numerous times, once with nuke, another with pear, yet another with dokuwiki (which works) another with minimal php and a 3rd party app called "WebCalendar." Nothing (except dokuwiki) displays any php content, instead I get an html representation of the contents of the folder. Typing in an "index.php" initiates a download of the file.

I have done this two ways: change the apache document root to point to the default install of whatever. (pear-calendar for instance) and copying the contents of the install into place in the default /var/www/html doc root.

I add MySQL is giving me a ton of grief, too...

All I want to do is get a web calendar running. BTW I tried joomla too, got a bit farther than most, but still no php joy from a remote browser.
cliff Jones

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We need a bit more detail on 'I add PHP'. How, exactly? From the Mandriva packages? *Exactly* what packages do you install? Thanks!
Adam Williamson | Editor, Mandriva Community Newsletter | Mandriva Club Monkey | PR Monkey | Mandriva Bugmaster | Packager | General dogsbody | awilliamson A T mandriva D 0 T com
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

awilliamson wrote:
We need a bit more detail on 'I add PHP'. How, exactly? From the Mandriva packages? *Exactly* what packages do you install? Thanks!

Since I have tried it seventeen different ways, "exactly what php" really has no answer. Some of the tries I loaded a bunch of php-pear, other times php-nuke. Others again install a modicum of php as part of their own module, like dokuwiki. (only one I've gotten to work)

And ALL with one exception are Mandriva 2007.1 official packages.

The exception (third party) was WebCalendar, and it didn't work either.

Am I missing something stupid simple here? Must be, because seems everyone else goes point-click-web calendar...

I have followed diligently every instruction, read me, etc I can find. Somewhere along the line something goes south. Ususally it appears everything is OK until I check it from a remote browser... to find the file listing as if it were ftp, not php.
cliff Jones

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

okay, let's do it the simple way then Smile please run this command:

rpm -qa | grep php

and paste the output. Thanks!
Adam Williamson | Editor, Mandriva Community Newsletter | Mandriva Club Monkey | PR Monkey | Mandriva Bugmaster | Packager | General dogsbody | awilliamson A T mandriva D 0 T com
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

awilliamson wrote:
okay, let's do it the simple way then Smile please run this command:

rpm -qa | grep php

and paste the output. Thanks!

Just reinstalled again,at the moment the machine is 'php-free," so how about one better... what would any of you do to get a web calendar going...? A step by step, including what and when to install would be much appreciated.

Last attempt was the third party WebCalendar. Broke apache this time.
cliff Jones

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got it working... had a friend who's an expert come by. He had a heck of a time, some of the provided scripts for setup and testing were wrong.

I also was installing things slightly in the wrong order.

Apache must be up and running first. Then install and get MySQL running, THEN install the php, and it can register with the databases. I had been doing apache first, but then installed both MySQL and php at the same time, then configured MySQL...

Doubt I can reproduce this fellows efforts, so I mondo'ed the dang thing! I am sure I'll break something. Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:56 am    Post subject: So lost in this installing of php Reply with quote

so i am making a web server for my school got some parts and have been instlaling the OS which was recommend to me by a friend and i have used it as a desktop just not as a server yet. So before the site admin said to use this command to see which phps you have installed. r

rpm -qa | grep php

the output was.


Now i went to the localhost url and it gave me it works page but i cant move files there becuase of permission and stuff like that and i dont know how to override it like the opening window wont let me log in as root. so i have no idea if php is working or not. i hope it is all working and it is just aminor fix and then i will be able to work on the rest of the computer.
machika kara kuro

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:45 am    Post subject: loading files Reply with quote

If you want to move files into the apache document root graphically:

open konsole and become super user with the "su" command, you'll need to know the root password of course, then type "konqueror" or better "kfmclient openProfile filemanagement" and have at it.

I believe the default apache doc root in Mandriva is /var/www/html. I always make the apache doc root and subsequent folders world writable to get started.

The settings for how the httpd server runs (including where the document root is) are in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (in Mandriva anyway) All I know about php is the file /etc/php.ini has settings that have to match with the apache config.

Are you writing your own php scripts? Sounds like you have a project of some sort going on, best wishes.

[EDIT] ps- you do not want to log in globally as root and run X, that's why Mandriva wisely defaults to disallowing such graphical root logins. This setting can be over-ridden if you are experimenting and have no real security needs.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:27 pm    Post subject: Thank you Reply with quote

I got that to run just fine now its a bit of work to move files there but i sure i can manage and it wont be getting file uploads like that for to much longer. Now the next thing i need help with is installing mysql and setting up ftp so i can move files in there with ease. if any one knows how that would be of great help.
machika kara kuro

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Thank you Reply with quote

machika kara kuro wrote:
I got that to run just fine now its a bit of work to move files there but i sure i can manage and it wont be getting file uploads like that for to much longer. Now the next thing i need help with is installing mysql and setting up ftp so i can move files in there with ease. if any one knows how that would be of great help.

For ftp, nothing beats proftpd, and setup using webmin. Install both, and log in to webmin, go to "servers" and "proftp" and set it up there, very comprehensive.

As for MySQL, you are on your own there! I have set it up within Joomla, or rather joomla set it up for me, but I have had no luck with manual database setup, so far as getting apache and php to talk to it...

best regards,


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